Each Content Workflow trigger has its own data schema that will be sent to the Zap when the trigger is fired.
This article defines each of the schemas, by detailing which schema is attached to which trigger, and the contents of each schema.
Triggers and their expected returned schemas
Trigger | Data Schema(s) Returned |
New Project | Project |
Item Was Created | Item |
Item Status Was Updated | Item |
Item Assignees Were Updated | Item |
Item Became Overdue | Item |
Item Structure Changed | Item |
Comment Was Created | Comment, Item |
Comment Was Edited | Comment, Item |
Comment Was Deleted | Comment, Item |
Conversation Was Created | Conversation, Item |
Conversation Was Resolved | Conversation, Item |
You Were Mentioned in a Comment | Comment, Item |
You Were Mentioned in an Edited Comment | Comment, Item |
Shareable Link Was Created | Shareable Link, Item |
Template Was Created | Template |
Template Was Updated | Template |
Workflow Status Created | Workflow Status |
Workflow Status Updated | Workflow Status |
Each schema explained
Below is explanation of each schema, the expected name of each attribute, a description and an example of the expected output.
Attribute Name | Description | Example |
Item ID | The ID of the item | 123456 |
Item Name | The name of the item | Header |
Item URL | A URL to the item in Content Workflow | |
Item Created At | The date and time the item was originally created, Zapier automatically parses this date for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Item Updated At | The date and time the item was last updated, Zapier automatically parses this date for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Status Due Date | The date and time the current status this item is in is due. Can be empty. |
2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Assignees | A list of users who are assigned to either the item or the workflow status the item is currently in. Can be empty. See below for the attributes of an assignee. |
Assignee ID | The user ID of the assignee | 789456 |
Assignee Name | The first and last name of the assignee in Content Workflow | John Doe |
Assignee Avatar | A URL to the avatar or profile picture used for this user in Content Workflow | |
Assignee Username | The @handle for this user, used in comments to mention a user directly. | @johndoe |
Assignee Email | The email address of the assignee | |
Status ID | The ID of the workflow status the item is currently in | 456789 |
Status Name | The name of the workflow status the item is currently in | Drafting |
Status Colour | A hex code of the colour used to represent the status the item is currently in | #C5C5C5 |
Folder ID | The ID of the folder the item is currently in | 004bba89-f7ac-4456-bc0e-c0df45e9d9cc |
Folder Name | The name of the folder the item is currently in | Website Items |
Item Content | A continuous, HTML output of all the content in each field within the item. This is in order that the fields appear within the item | <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor </h2> <p>Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p> <h2>Bibendum diam</h2> <p>Mauris in faucibus dolor, ac viverra libero. Fusce bibendum diam felis, ut condimentum nulla rutrum vitae. </p> |
Tab Content | A continuous, HTML output of each tab's content. Like "Item Content" this is in order of the fields as they appear within the tab. | <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor </h2> <p>Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p> |
Tab Names | The names of each tab in the item | Content |
Field Content | The content of each field | <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor </h2> |
Field Labels | The label of each field | Header |
Field IDs | The ID of each field | f7a78375-da2b-4ace-896d-d7aac1a93e41 |
Field Tabs | The tab name, each field belongs to | Content |
Attribute Name | Description | Example |
ID | The ID of the conversation | fd000a21-9f58-4e8e-8ac4-5ad35b46f03f |
Context | The content text that the comment is attached to | Lorem ipsum dolor |
Message | The message of the comment itself | This looks great! |
Conversation URL | A direct link to the conversation inside the item | |
Created At | The time and date the conversation was created. Zapier automatically parses this for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Updated At | The time and date the conversation was last updated. Zapier automatically parses this for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Resolved By | Can be empty. User details about the user who resolved the conversation. | See the User schema. |
Attribute Name | Description | Example |
ID | The ID of the conversation | fd000a21-9f58-4e8e-8ac4-5ad35b46f03f |
Message | The message of the comment itself | This looks great! |
Created At | The time and date the comment was created. Zapier automatically parses this for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Updated At | The time and date the comment was last updated. Zapier automatically parses this for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Author | User details about the author who made the comment. | See the User schema. |
Tagged Users | Can be empty. Any users who are tagged via their @handle inside the comment message | See the User schema. |
Shareable Link
Attribute Name | Description | Example |
Shareable Link ID | The unique ID of the shareable link | 24fdkd23dk |
Shareable Link Enabled | Whether the shareable link is enabled or not | True |
Shareable Link Comments Enabled | If the shareable link has comments enabled | True |
Shareable Link Approvals Enabled | If the shareable link has approvals enabled | True |
Shareable Link Editing Enabled | If the shareable link has editing enabled | True |
Shareable Link Show Guidelines and Instructions | Whether guidelines are set to show or not | True |
Shareable Link Created At | The time and date the shareable link was created. Zapier parses this data for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Shareable Link Updated At | The time and date the shareable link was last updated. Zapier parses this data for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Attribute Name | Description | Example |
Template ID | The ID of the template | 12345 |
Template Name | The name of the template | Twitter post |
Number of items using | The number of items that are currently using the template | 4 |
Updated At | The time and date the template was last updated. Zapier parses this data for you. | 2021-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 |
Updated By | User information of the last person to update the template | See User schema. |
Tab Names | A list of the Tabs within the template. | Content, Metadata ... |
Fields Tabs | A list of each fields tab name | Content, Content, Metadata |
Fields Labels | A list of each fields label | Header, Description, Keywords... |
Fields IDs | A list of each fields ID | ba049cfe-3fdb-4d41-abd8-2b6292958eb8,1dc5ce75-1775-4bab-8964-094de2a3f0cf |
Fields Types | A list of each field's field type | Text Field, Asset Field, Radio Field... |
Workflow Status
Attribute Name | Description | Example |
Status ID | The ID of the workflow status | 12345 |
Status Name | The name of the workflow status | Drafting |
Position | The position of the workflow status within the workflow | 3 |
Colour | A hex code of the colour associated with the workflow | #C5C5C5 |
Updated By | User information on the user who last updated the workflow. | See User Schema |
Attribute Name | Description | Example |
ID | The ID of the user | 123456 |
Name | The first and last name of the user in Content Workflow | John Doe |
Avatar | A URL to the avatar or profile picture used for this user in Content Workflow | |
Username | The @handle for this user, used in comments to mention a user directly. | @johndoe |
The email address of the user |