Due Dates

Apply due dates to each workflow status of an item to help clarify when they need to be completed.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Setting a due date

Due dates are applied to workflow statuses to indicate when that phase of work needs to be completed. You can apply a due date to each step of your workflow to make it clear when all of the steps need to be completed before the item is published.

If an item is still in its current workflow status when its due date has passed, it will be marked as overdue and will appear with an overdue notification throughout Content Workflow. If someone is assigned to an item, they will be notified when it's nearing its due date, and when it is overdue.

Tip: The final workflow status in your workflow such as 'Published' shouldn't have a due date, to allow your published items to live on without an 'overdue' status.

There are two ways to set a due date:

From the content editor

1. Select the current workflow status to see the rest of the workflow and set due dates.

2. Hover over the workflow status you want to set a due date for, and click the clock button.

3. Choose a date from the calendar and click 'Save'.

Tip: Due dates should be used to signify the end of a particular workflow stage.

From the content hub

1. Select the items you'd like to set a due date for. They should appear highlighted once selected. You can hold 'Shift' on the keyboard to select multiple items.

2. From the action bar at the bottom of the page, select 'Set due dates'.

3. Click the 'Set due date' link for each status in the workflow.

4. Choose a date and time from the calendar, and click 'Save changes' to save.

Tip: Setting due dates this way will override any due dates previously set for those items and statuses.

Viewing the due dates on the project calendar

Keep a track of a project's due dates with the calendar. You'll find this on the Calendar tab of a project.

Checking item due dates

If you've set due dates for any items in your project, they'll show up on the calendar.

Each project has its own calendar, so you'll only see due dates that belong to the project calendar you're currently in. You can check which project you're in by looking at the project name at the top left of the screen.

Click into any item entry on the calendar to see the details. You'll see:

  • the item name

  • the current workflow status of the item (indicated by the first colour block - hover for the name of the status)

  • the name of the workflow status which this due date belongs to

  • details of the due date and time for this item

  • anyone assigned to this item

Any items that are overdue will have an 'Overdue' label, and appear in red.

At the top left of the calendar, you'll see a dropdown. You can select any workflow status, to filter the calendar to show only the due dates for items moving to that status.

Only see 'my assignments'

To filter the calendar to show only items you're assigned to, click the 'Only show my assignments' button.

Exporting due dates to your personal calendar

You're able to export a project's due dates to your personal calendar. Compatible calendars are iCal, Google Calendar or Outlook. Click the button at the bottom-right of the calendar to do this.

You'll get the option to export all due dates or just ones that apply to you.

Updating a due date in the project calendar

The project's calendar is a good place to quickly rearrange your project’s due dates. You can easily drag and drop a due date from one day to another to update when it is set to be completed.

Using the calendar

1. Go to the project’s calendar.

You will see any due dates that have been set for items in your account.

2. Drag the due date onto a different day to update it.
Do this by clicking on it and holding down your mouse.

Your due date will be updated immediately and will be visible on the page. In order to update the specific time of day that an item is due, you will have to go into the item and set the time.

Removing a due date from an item

1. From inside the item, select the current workflow status.

2. Select the set due date for the workflow status that you want to remove.

3. Click the Settings menu (three dots) when the calendar appears and select 'Remove due date'.

This will immediately remove the due date for that workflow status. Users will not be notified of this update.

Overdue items

When does an item show as overdue and why? Here's how to find these in your account.

Finding items that are overdue

When a project contains an item that is overdue, you'll be able to see this from the project's view. The project that contains an overdue item will have a red outline, and the name of the project will be red. You'll also see a notification in the project's view informing you of how many of your projects are overdue.

Once you've opened a project with overdue items, head to the content hub to get more information on the due date that has passed, and see which item it belongs to.

The overdue date will show in red in the content hub.

Why are items showing as 'overdue'?

If you have items in your project which show as 'overdue', it means that they're still at the workflow status which has the set due date. You'd need to move the item to the next workflow status to stop it from showing as overdue.

Time zones

Due dates across the app reflect your chosen time zone. This means that if someone in London, UK sets a due date for 5:00 PM, someone else in New York, USA will see that due date as 12:00 PM.

Setting your time zone

You can set your time zone in your personal settings. Click on your avatar from anywhere in the app, and choose "Personal settings" from the menu.

Scroll down to "Time zone settings" and choose your time zone from the dropdown menu.

Don't forget to save your changes.

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