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How to search for your project and items
How to search for your project and items

Find out how to search, filter and rename your projects and items in your account.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

This article will explain how to search for specific projects or items across your Content Workflow account. We'll also explain how you to rename and filter your items from the content hub.

Searching for projects

You can find a project from the projects view by searching for it using the filter box.

Click into the filter box and type the name of the project you're looking for. You can then select the project to enter from the filtered list.

Projects on the overview page are shown in order of:

  • Overdue projects first (by recently updated)

  • Then all not overdue projects by recently updated

Searching for items

You can search from two places:

  • from the projects view (search item names and content within items)

  • from within a project (search for item names, assignees, due dates, templates)

From the projects view

  1. Head to the projects view and find the search bar in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Type the item name you're looking for and select the item. This will take you to the item.

You'll see any item names that match your search criteria first in the list, and any matches inside the content below.

From within a project

  1. Inside a project, find the search bar in the top right-hand corner of the main navigation.

  2. Type the item name you're looking for and select the item. This will take you to the item.

Tip: Searching within a project will automatically search for items within the project you're currently in. If you switch the toggle, you can change to search within all projects.

Tip: You can also use the search bar in both the projects view and from within your project to look for specific content in your items.

Filtering items

You can filter by;

  • AI content

  • Approved

  • Assignee

  • Item name

  • Mentions

  • Overdue

  • Template

  • Workflow

  • Workflow status

  • Sorting items by column

To get started, click on '+ Add filter'. This button is accessible from All items, My assignments, and any of your project folders.

You'll then have the option to filter to any combination filters to quickly find relevant items.

For example, you might want to filter items assigned to 'John' and that are 'Overdue'. Alternatively, you might want to filter items that contain the name 'News' with the status 'Review'.

Let's go over them in more detail below.

AI Content

Will filter items that currently contain content generated, or transformed by AI Assist.


Will filter items in a status that was approved as part of a "Shareable Link" approval process. Learn more about Shareable Links here.


As it suggests, this allows you to filter your items by who is assigned to them. When you choose to filter by assignee, you'll be shown a list of everybody in your account. For larger accounts, you might find it easier to use the search bar to find people. Clicking on a person will immediately show you items assigned to that person.

Item name

This allows you to filter items that contain your chosen string of text in their name. To do this, simply type into the text box. Items automatically start filtering as you type. To confirm your filter, you can either click 'Done' or click outside of the filter menu.


Choosing this filter allows you select a user from the drop down. Once selected the items will be filtered to only include those that contain an unresolved comment where the selected user has been mentioned via their @-username.

Once a conversation is resolved, it's no longer considered as part of this filter.


This filter acts as a toggle and instantly displays items that are overdue.


Use this filter to show items that are on a workflow, or stage in your workflow. The workflows and their statuses in your project are displayed as they appear on the workflow tab in your project, and clicking on a status will instantly apply the filter.

To filter to a specific workflow you can chose the Workflow/Status option and choose the Workflow you want to filter items to.

You can then optionally pick a specific status within the workflow and further filter items to only that status within the workflow.

Changed your mind about a filter? Not a problem! Clicking on an existing filter will allow you to change its value and clicking on the cross will (you guessed it) remove the filter.

Sorting items by column

In the Content hub you can sort items by clicking on the column headers:

You can now sort:

  • Alphabetically on item names

  • Alphabetically on template names

  • Due-dates

  • The last time the items were updated

  • By the number of assignees on an item

  • By folder

  • By the number of comments on an item

You can also toggle sorting off, to return to the default. Click again on a column heading to toggle sorting off.

Renaming items

You can change the name of an item once it's been created. You can do this either:

  • from in the item or

  • From the content hub

From in the item

1. From within the item, click on the item name at the top of the page or the pencil that appears when you hover.

2. Re-name the item and click anywhere else to save the changes. The changes will be immediately reflected on the item.

From the content hub

1. Go to the content hub in the main navigation.

2. Hover over the item name you want to edit, and click the edit pencil at the end of the name that appears.

3. Type the new item name. Click anywhere else or press Enter/Return on your keyboard to save the changes.

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