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Sitefinity Integration: FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the Sitefinity Integration.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

I have business-specific rules for the import. Can I implement custom logic?

Yes, we provided an API that is based on the EventHub which allows you to attach to various events and change the logic used to import items to Content Workflow. In addition - all Importers and Property transformers are registered in the config, so you can implement your own and replace the existing one.

Are tags, categories and other classifications supported?

Yes, by default you can map classifications and they will be imported to Sitefinity and mapped to the item.

Classifications are easy to represent in Content Workflow with Checkboxes control or Radio Buttons control. Each item is imported as a Taxonomy (category, tag or custom taxonomy), the selected options are then applied to the item during the import process. If you need to implement a custom logic - you can always attach it to our events and change the way classifications are handled.

Do you support Sitefinity Layouts?

Yes, this is how the import pages functionality works. You select your Sitefinity and Content Workflow templates and map Content Workflow fields from the template to the Layout Template placeholders from the Sitefinity page template.

Depending on your Sitefinity setup, you may in addition want to add additional layout controls to the page on import (for example - to define columns or some other unique user case). This is supported through our API.

Is related media supported?

Yes, by default attached images, videos and documents are downloaded, imported to the Sitefinity library and then attached to the Sitefinity item. You can handle this using the API in case you need custom logic.

Are related data items supported?

Currently, we do not support importing related data out of the box. This is so for two reasons. The first one is that there is no convenient way to attach an item in Content Workflow. The other one is that the graph may become too complex. This is why we decided to allow you to only do that via custom code, by attaching to our events.

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