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Sitefinity Integration: Mapping setup

Instructions for mapping your Content Workflow structure to your Sitefinity structure, before importing your content.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

To import content from Content Workflow, the content editor needs to set up mappings between Templates in Content Workflow and templates (or content type fields) in Sitefinity and their corresponding fields. Follow these steps to map your templates:

1. Click the Mappings button on the Content Workflow screen

The manage template mappings screen will appear.

2. Click Create Mapping button

Clicking on the "Create Mapping" button will bring up the Field Mappings dialog. The Field Mappings dialog lets the user specify which templates and fields should be mapped.

3. Specify mapping name

First, users should specify a name for the mapping. The mapping name will be used to distinguish mappings on import dialogs.

4. Specify Content Workflow account

The Sitefinity connector supports multiple accounts. If the API credentials used have access to more than one account, the accounts will be listed in the Account dropdown.

5. Specify project

Once an account is selected - all projects for that account will be listed.

6. Specify Content Workflow template

Once the project is set - you need to select the Content Workflow template. The dropdown lists all the templates that are available for this project.

7. Specify Sitefinity content

The connector supports importing pages, by selecting and mapping page templates, as well as News, Events, Blog Posts and Dynamic Content. Pages are organized in the dropdown under the Page Template section, all Dynamic Content types will be under the Dynamic Content section and Page Templates are listed in the Page Template Section.

8. Specify the language

The connector supports multilingual imports, if your Sitefinity website has more than one language enabled - you will see them in the Languages dropdown.

9. Specify parent

If the content you are creating mappings for supports parent (for example - Pages, Blog Posts, Dynamic Content), the Parent dropdown will be visible, you can select the parent under which the content will be imported.

10. Specify provider

Content Workflow connector for Sitefinity supports multisite, which means that you can import different items on different websites. Each website in Sitefinity has its own provider for every content type (data source) and can share other website sources or can have a mix of both - its own data source and a shared data source.ย 

11. Map your fields

You are ready to map your fields. Once you select the necessary information - all tabs from the selected Content Workflow template will appear. Map your Sitefinity fields to each Content Workflow field.

12. Map statuses

The last tab (Statuses) lists all statuses in Content Workflow, you can select what status should be set in Sitefinity during the import. Changing status back in Content Workflow is supported as well, but the settings are moved to the Import screen (see next topics).

13. Save the mapping

When you are ready to save your mappings, just click the "Save" button. You need to map at least one field to save the mapping.

You can use the "Edit" and "Delete" links in the Mappings screen to update or delete your mapping.

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