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AEM Integration: Import Mapping setup

Map your content from Content Workflow to your AEM pages.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

To import content from Content Workflow, the content editor needs to set up import mappings between Templates in Content Workflow and Pages in AEM and their corresponding fields. You will use your pages in AEM as templates for mapping. Please make sure that the page component properties are initialised with any values to be available for mapping. Follow these steps to map your templates.

The Manage Template Import Mappings screen will appear.

Click the "Add New Mapping" button

Clicking on the "Add new mapping" button will open the mapping form. The mapping form allows the user to specify which templates and fields should be mapped.

Specify Mapping Name

First, users should specify a name for the mapping. The mapping name will be used to distinguish mappings on import dialogs.

Set AEM Template Page Path

Next, the AEM template path should be defined. It will be used as a base model for field mappings. This will determine what AEM Page component properties will be used for mapping.

Set Default Import Path

Next, the Import Path field can be set (optional). This allows one to specify the default location (node) in AEM where imported items will be stored. Default path /content/gathercontent will be used if empty.

Set Import DAM Path

The Import DAM Path field can be set (optional). This helps specify the default location (node) in AEM where imported assets (attachments) will be stored. Default path /content/dam/gathercontent will be used if empty.

Specify Content Workflow Project and Mapping Type

Next, the Content Workflow Project and Mapping Type needs to be specified to enable source item mapping type Template, Custom Structure or Entries Parent items.

Set Source Type Item

After the Mapping Type is specified then the associated with this type Item can be selected to start mapping your field. For example, if you selected Template Mapping type then only Templates will be shown in this dropdown. Custom Structure and Entries Parent items will be hidden.

Start mapping your fields

Once you have completed the previous steps, all tabs and fields will be dynamically populated. The user can now map Content Workflow fields to AEM properties. The Content editor can map the required fields by selecting an AEM property in the corresponding dropdown. Only properties that are possible to map are displayed in the dropdowns. For example, it is not possible to map a Multiple-choice or Checkboxes field from Content Workflow to a text property in AEM. The item name can be mapped to any string property, page title is the default.

The plugin supports many-to-one field mappings for the text field type. This means, that it is possible to map, for example, two Content Workflow fields into one AEM property. The content of such fields will be concatenated and placed in the AEM property.

Please check the mappings table that shows all the supported field mappings for Import Functionality:

Content Workflow field type
AEM property type
String property
Field content will be copied as it is

Content Workflow field type
Guidelines AEM property type
String property
Field content will be copied as it is

Content Workflow field type
AEM property type
"Radio Group" or "Checkbox Group" components from "Form" component group out of the box

Content Workflow field type
Radio Buttons
AEM property type
"Radio Group" or "Checkbox Group" components from "Form" component group out of the box

Content Workflow field type
AEM property type
Binary data in DAM + related path in String property
All attachments will be placed under the Import DAM Path. Attachment field also can be mapped to Multi Assets Component (example Slider) - to enable this feature Multiple Assets mapping checkboxes should be set checked during in Import Mapping.

Save Mappings Configuration

After all mapping criteria are set, click the "Save mapping" button. The saved mappings can be edited, copied or deleted at any point.

Edit Mappings - 'Move to'

The 'Move to' option appears on each tab of the mapping configuration and allows moving the field mappings between tabs. This is very useful if you would like to create a new mapping by copying it. Further editing of copied mapping will allow you to move the mapping between the tabs so the mapping will be copied to another tab if the properties are identical.

Now that you've completed your mappings, you can now import content from Content Workflow.

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