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Kentico Integration: Mapping setup

Before you import content, you'll need to map your Content Workflow templates to your Kentico template.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a year ago

To import content from Content Workflow, you'll need to set up mappings between templates in Content Workflow and page types in Kentico and their corresponding fields. Follow these steps to map your templates:

Click the Mappings button on the Content Workflow menu

The manage template mappings screen will appear.

Click Add Mappings button

Clicking on the "Add Mappings" button will bring up the Field Mappings dialog. The Field Mappings dialog lets the user specify which templates and fields should be mapped.

Specify mapping name

First, users should specify a name for the mapping. The mapping name will be used to distinguish mappings on import dialogs.

Select Content Workflow project and template and corresponding Kentico page type

Specify the Content Workflow project and Template you want to map and choose the corresponding Kentico page type.

Map Content Workflow fields to Kentico fields

Once you’ve completed the previous steps, all tabs and fields will be dynamically populated. The user can now map Content Workflow fields to Kentico fields. The Content Editor can map the required fields by selecting a Kentico field in the corresponding dropdown on the right-hand side of the screen.

Only fields that are possible to map are displayed in the dropdowns. For example, it is not possible to map a text field from Content Workflow to an image field in Kentico.

The plug-in supports many-to-one field mappings for text and guidelines field types. This means, that it is possible to map, for example, two Content Workflow fields into one Kentico field. The content of such fields will be concatenated and placed in the Kentico field.

Please check the mappings table that shows all the supported field mappings:

Content Workflow field type
Kentico field type
Textbox, Text Area, Rich text
Field content will be copied as it is 

Content Workflow field type
Kentico field type
Textbox, Text Area, Rich text
Field content will be copied as it is 

Content Workflow field type
Kentico field type
RadioButtons, MultipleChoice
The system will map selected items in the Content Workflow field to items specified in Kentico field DataSource. 

Content Workflow field type
Radio Buttons
Kentico field type
RadioButtons, MultipleChoice
The system will map selected items in the Content Workflow field to items specified in Kentico field DataSource. 

Content Workflow field type
Kentico field type
Media Selection
All attachments will be placed Media Library in the following node structure in Kentico/GatherContent///If a field has a datasource set, all importing files will be uploaded to the location specified in datasource. 

Save Mappings Configuration

After all mapping criteria are set, click the "Save Mapping Configuration" button. The saved mappings can be edited or deleted at any point.

Now that you've completed your mappings, you can now import content from Content Workflow.

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