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ExpressionEngine Integration

Download and install the ExpressionEngine Integration.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

This module is no longer actively supported and only works with older versions of EE and the legacy Content Workflow API.
The module is open source, so can be used as a base to develop support for newer versions. Please also refer to our current API docs to ensure you have the latest endpoints.
Integrate Content Workflow with Expression Engine. You can:

  • Migrate content into Expression Engine

How it works

This module allows you to quickly migrate content from your Content Workflow projects into your ExpressionEngine site.

This module replaces that process of copying and pasting content and allows you to bulk import structured content, and then continue to update it in ExpressionEngine with a few clicks.

Content can be imported as any content entry type. You can choose to create new pages/entries etc. or overwrite existing ones.

The module allows you to specifically map each field on your pages in Content Workflow to various fields in ExpressionEngine, these include; the title and any field your content type may have. It also allows you to directly embed images and files.

Installation Instructions

Download the latest version

You can download the latest version on our GitHub pages.

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