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Ongoing content production: Example project workflow
Ongoing content production: Example project workflow

View example content workflows for ongoing content production projects including blog posts, newsletters and case studies.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

In Content Workflow, the workflow makes the status of your content crystal clear. Workflow is the set of statuses that can be applied to items in your project to communicate their progress.

The default workflow will depend upon the project type that was selected when the project was created.

Example workflows for ongoing content production

Content Workflow is a great tool to produce content for ongoing content projects. Ongoing content projects follow a standardised format and require new content to be published on a regular basis. In this type of work, workflows often follow this essential process:

  1. Draft

  2. Review

  3. Edit

  4. Approved

We encourage you to customise your project workflow to match your team's content production process. Here are some example workflows by different types of ongoing content production projects:

Blog post content workflow

If you are publishing blog posts regularly you can use Content Workflow to track which stage of production your posts are at. Your workflow may look like this: 

  1. Idea - This stage could be used to track ideas for future post topics

  2. Draft

  3. Review - If content needs to pass through several stakeholders for approval, you could repeat this step and append the relevant group to each stage (Review by... SMEs, Marketing, Legal, Compliance etc.)

  4. Edits required - Reviewers can use this stage to communicate that the content needs attention or skip to the next stage if it is approved

  5. Approved to publish

Newsletter content workflow

Newsletters often require input from multiple departments, you can design your content workflow to match the production process your newsletter must pass through, such as: 

  1. Marketing draft

  2. Copy produced, images required - Notify your design team to provide assets for your newsletter

  3. Management review - Notify different departments when content is ready for their input

  4. Edits required

  5. Approved by management

  6. Legal review - Notify different departments when content is ready for their input

  7. Edits required

  8. Approved by legal

  9. Final proof

  10. Approved to publish

Case study content workflow

Case studies often have several rounds of review which workflow can support: 

  1. Not populated yet - Use this when a case study is in talks but not yet in production

  2. Draft

  3. Client review - Notify different stakeholders when content is ready for their review

  4. Edits required 

  5. Approved by client

  6. Final proof - Notify different stakeholders when content is ready for their review

  7. Edits required

  8. Approved to publish

  9. Live on CMS

  10. Needs to be updated - If you are governing your content then you may have an additional stage to communicate when updates are required 

You can customise your workflow as much or as little as suits for your project. We recommend that before content production begins you should agree on your content workflow with your team and then set up your Content Workflow project workflow to reflect this. This helps keep everybody clear on responsibilities and the review process.

Further Reading

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