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EpiServer Integration

​Download and install the EpiServer Integration.

Bruno Wilson avatar
Written by Bruno Wilson
Updated over a week ago

By integrating Content Workflow with EpiServer 10.2+, you can migrate your content into your EpiServer CMS.

This module replaces that process of copying and pasting content and allows you to migrate structured content, and then continue to update it in EpiServer 10.2+ with a few clicks.

Please note that this integration is no longer actively maintained.

Installation instructions

You can see all installation, configuration, mapping and migration instructions on Minnesota State University's Github pages. A downloadable PDF version is also included.

Download the latest version

You can download the latest version from MSU's NuGet pages.


Please use this issue tracker on Github to add and track bugs and requests, and to contact the Minnesota State University team with any questions you may have about the Integration.

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